How I Got Here Part 3: Radiant Fellowship
It was January of 2004, and my time at the church in Milwaukee was finished. Tracy and I chose to be part of a new church in Waupaca, WI, called Radiant Fellowship. The first service of this new church without a building was held in the Cupola Room inside the Ramada Hotel. This church had already been meeting for a little while, but now it was located in this hotel. Upon my arrival, I was asked to lead worship alongside a guy playing the keyboard. I didn’t know this was going to be the case until I arrived about an hour before the service began—not exactly how I had planned my first service to go, considering I was the youth pastor. Nonetheless, that evening our youth group met for the first time inside a person's home. They didn’t have any teens in the program but were kind enough to open their home to us. At that time, we did not have a home in Waupaca, and we commuted each Sunday to church. This was a four-hour round trip each week. I found it odd that the kids' pastor was