HOLY SPIRIT BATMAN!! Sorry just had to say that because the kid side me always thinks of the old, Adam West Batman days anytime there is a “Holy” before something. HOLY BIBLE BATMAN! See…there I go again.

The issue of the Holy Spirit is something that has been heavy on me lately. I am wrestling with the issue of the Holy Spirit (not gifts, etc.) because it seems every time I see it “manifest” I get the willies. Do you know what I mean? I have been in few services where someone will give a word of knowledge, tongues, interpretations, etc. where it has shaken me to my core. More times than not however I have been in services where a “manifestation of the Holy Spirit” happens and I just am not moved…not impressed…and quite disturbed by it. No I am not dealing with rebellion nor have I blasphemed the Holy Spirit to the point I don’t hear from him anymore. I think it comes from a long time in sitting through many a services where you begin to sense something else is going on like personal agendas.

After seeing so much I think I am wanting to dive into this issue a little more with my message on Sunday. I just see people treating church like a spiritual "Old Country Buffet" and getting what they think is the Holy Spirit and when they walk out the church doors they are doing little to no good for Christ. I have seen some that walk out of a church after “meeting with the holy spirit” and are literally no different. These are the very same people who get "slain in the spirit" or speak in tongues, prophesy, etc. and yet are not changed beyond the church walls. They are completely consumed with their own life and not making much of a difference in peoples lives. I have seen some leave church after having this “encounter” and are (as the cliché goes) so heavenly minded they are no earthly good. I was at True Value a few months ago and I saw this guy (who I know as a bit WOO WOO). I really didn’t want to say hi to him but had no choice. The question came from my mouth like a train that couldn’t be stopped “How are you doing?” After I said that I think my eyes went cross eyed from disgust. He instantly replied nice and loud “SO BLESSED BROTHER! I AM ON MY WAY TO HEAVEN AND TAKING AS MANY AS I CAN WITH ME!” People must have thought this was a hostage situation at this point.

I think there is more to the Holy Spirit than just a feeling you could get at any concert given the right song, lighting and repetitiveness. There has GOT to be more to this thing and I am going to set out to talk about this Sunday in a fresh new way that really is an old lost concept in our western culture. I apologize in advance should I offend anyone.


  1. Thats a nice hot potato you're juggling with there! ;)))

  2. So let me get this straight, you feel "disgust" toward a guy who says something like that (and don't even want to say hi to him), but feel love toward Christians who blatantly walk in sin...or worse yet say that certain behaviors are NOT sin. I agree we are all sinners, one sin is no worse than the next, and that we are called to love our brothers and sisters. My issue is that you are being just as judgmental toward that man as you accuse many Christians of being toward others. Where is the love? If someone told you they didn't even want to say "hi" to someone because they were a homosexual or were "disgusted" by their behavior, I'm sure you would be all over them. In my opinion, both types of judgment are wrong.

  3. I think for me to argue this...there would have to be a proper perspective on the word "judging". I appreciate your comment none the less.

  4. My perspective is quite simple, really. You call on people to be loving to others, and yet in many things you write you don't appear to extend that love to those you disagree with. In your words, "I really didn’t want to say hi to him but had no choice." That just doesn't sound like loving the outcast to me. Maybe that is just your writing style, but in my opinion it isn't helping your cause.

  5. I have thought the same things. I have seen what I believe are genuine manifestations of the Spirit where people are edified and cautioned with the fruit of the Spirit intact, then I see what I believe is a man forced flamboyant facade that didn't edify anyone but their own ego. Arrogance is not of the Spirit of God therefore I also get a bit disgusted when I see people shake their bells on the hems of their garments too. If there's no interpretor, sit down respectfully. ;)

  6. I am trying to navigate this discussion. Is this the, Gina from Wisconsin that is commenting. It's all good either way. I know about 6 different Gina's.

  7. One last thing...I understand why that guy in the store would be slightly annoying...I'm just saying how is he any worse than someone who is abusing alcohol, mistreating their spouse, living in sexual sin, or (insert any sin here)? We all fall short. Maybe arrogance is a sin that "disgusts" one person, but a different sin might "digust" another person.

  8. Perhaps the three things you listed are near to you or you have had experience with them. Not saying you personally but in helping other people. Perhaps you have never dealt with people like the one I talked about in the blog at the same time. These time of people can be very damaging and usually carry with them some different things as well. I really did not judge him however, just mentioned that type of person really ends up doing more harm than good when talking to people about all things Christianity. I have a lot of experience with people like this which is why I mentioned it.


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