Day 260: Yelling Preachers

Today confirmed for me that if I ever end up attending a church and the pastor is a screamer or talking really loud and harshly, I am gone. I served in a church where the pastor would scream at I listened to a podcast from a guy who was constantly talking super loud. Where in scripture do these people find someone who did that? The funny thing about messages like this is that I have found they are super shallow messages and often times contrary to what they have taught on before. I have yet to hear a highly intellectual pastor/speaker yell their message. It is as if the yelling compensates for their scriptural ignorance. It is like a protest rally, the one who has the loudest voice must know what they are talking about because they are using “AUTHORITY” when in fact they don’t know what it is going on.

It amazes me when, I listen to messages now and again how many pastors base their message on how other churches are not “getting it” in their humble opinion. If I attended a church where they constantly are complaining about other churches and ministries (What did Joel Osteen ever do? So you may not agree with him….are you really going to discount the work that God is doing despite the situations?) I would leave. There is a simple principle here. When I was youth pastoring and now as a lead pastor I can very easily tell you who the insecure people are…they are the ones pointing out the flaws (according to them) in other people. They constantly talk about how they look, dress, do their hair blah blah blah. Those pastors who constantly talk about others from the pulpit (churchy word) are some of the most insecure people you will ever meet.

In church you got to stick to the Bible and life application. This isn’t a message but rather a blog so I am just stating my observances…it would do me no good to tear other churches or pastors apart in my messages. If you are a loud one….why? To discipline your “flock”? ugh….glad those days are over.


  1. GREAT perspective, Bob. YOU ROCK!!! (Pastor Bob 1.0)

  2. I want to heckle pastors who do this. What do they think they will accomplish by pointing fingers and yelling? Idiots.

  3. I can't say that I completely agree that this is true for all preachers who preach loudly; for some it is cultural and part of who they are. I have a Pastor who is highly intelligent and speaks loudly when he preaches. You may have heard of him, he's a former UW Badger Running back from the early 90s, his name is Terrell Fletcher and I would encourage you to check him out at I'm really curious to hear your thoughts. He has been to seminary and an English major from UW. Saying comments as such to me is equivalent to saying all black men can't be trusted or black women don't know how to submit. Please note that I get that this blog is sharing your personal experience. I normally don't respond to what I consider ignorant comments as this but I could not pass this up as your experience is so narrow-minded.

  4. Classic, Tonya. Start off kind of nice and resort to personal attacks. I will not be responding any further to you. Classy.

  5. The late Rich Mullins also said something along these lines...about avoiding 'yelling' preachers.

    So why do they who yell and why are they so loud and angry all-the-time?

    I would like to tell them, "Talk to the hand."


    1. Hello,
      I don't understand, you say it's wrong for preachers to bash other preachers, but you're doing the same. Not all preachers that speak loudly talk against other churches. Seventeen years ago Jesus saved me while I was listening to a very loud preacher. He also became my friend and taught me many things from the Word of God.

    2. ... [cricket chirps] ... Anonymous posters AND Prbishop don't receive replies from this blogger.

    3. Prbishop, no one bashed a preacher, just made observances about behavior.

  6. Suck it up... I've sat through preachers who yell, and some who talk. It's about the spirit the message is delivered in. Personally, I would like to hear some excitment. Most preachers who "talk" have everything written down. Most who yell don't have anything except a bible. Jesus told his disciples to "take no script with you." What do have to say about that? We have modernized and libralized and have become so dignified that a loud preacher is no longer a preacher, instead he has become a joke, an idiot. Give it some time and preachers who preach against sin will be idiots. Most already are. Most preachers who yell preach strongly against sin, most preachers that talk "Joel Osteen" avoid the topic of sin at all cost. The bible says we are begotten by the word. Without sin being preached, no one will realize the need of a saviour, therefore they will die and spit hell wide open. So far I feel as though yellin' preaching idiots are spitting more truth that your sissy-fied, school boy talkers. We need more men with a back-bone the size of a saw long. Old tyme preachers. This may make you mad. I am sorry. I announced my call to preach when I was 16 years old and have been preaching for 4 years now, I can't help but get loud. I do not practice it at home. If you ever let go and let God, you might let out a holy grunt. Not being mean- just being flat footed truthful.

    1. " Give it some time and preachers who preach against sin will be idiots. Most already are." I agree ;) they sure look like idiots since Jesus covered sin so it is idiotic to preach against it as if "It is finished" didn't really happen.

      "Without sin being preached, no one will realize the need of a saviour, therefore they will die and spit hell wide open." hmmm interesting because the bible shows that it's "the KINDNESS of God that leads us to repentance." and as far as 'hell' being split wide open, Jesus already conquered your hell when he went there and triumphed over it on our behalf.

      " I announced my call to preach when I was 16 years old and have been preaching for 4 years now, I can't help but get loud. I do not practice it at home. If you ever let go and let God, you might let out a holy grunt. Not being mean- just being flat footed truthful." I would imagine by the tone of your words that you feel that the age of 20 is some magic number of adulthood and maturity in Christ and that somehow the ages of 16,17,18,and 19 makes you wiser than a preacher in his 40's who has already been in ministry for more years than you have been alive.

      and I wonder if fundamentalists will ever figure out that Jesus is meek and try to emulate that in how they speak to people.

  7. I heart anonymous comments. Okay not really.

  8. last time i let go and let out a holy grunt, the guy in the next stall had to ask if i was okay in there.

    other than that, comments for loud preaching coming from anonymous cowards are beyond rich.

  9. I think of ALL of the silly things I've seen, discrediting a comment because it's anonymous is by far the silliest. If you can counter point him than do so. I have no real opinion about loud pastors (or a linkable account for that matter) buy I will say anon has a point, albeit an oversimplified one, about they way some pastors like to tiptoe around things to make sure nobody gets offended, unless of course that nobody is someone from another church that disagrees with them.

    1. Well someone with what seems to be a determination to preach 'truth' would speak it out loud in their own name...unless they're ashamed of their message.

  10. Well that last comment just confirmed for me a few things. It is fine if you do not have a "linkable account". You can simply put your name at the end of your comment. But...this simply proves my theory that people are always more bold behind a keyboard than they are in person. No name=no response.

  11. Anonymous should explain Jonathan Edwards, the great puritan preacher of the great awakening. He only preached 2 sermons on hell (out of 3000), and he made it a point to deliver his messages in monotone so as not to arouse the passions of the hearer with anything other than the truth. "Sinners in the hand of an angry God" was probably read right off the page like a dissertation.

    1. Good point, Darin. Yelling at people just promotes sensationalism and an emotional response out of fear. Anything of fear is not of faith. Thou shalt not fear. Be slow to wrath, etc etc. Yelling preachers who fear monger are immature and opposing the message of reconciliation.

  12. What make you think Jesus never yelled or raised his voice? Do you think when he kicked out the money changers that he used a some mousy man voice that men have also deemed to be spiritual just like people who think yelling makes it spiritual?

    It is not my place to determine what the preacher speaks is the right topic for that day, but to judge it according to the word of God to see if what he says is true. Could a pastor preach on heaven 2 weeks in a row and the next 2 weeks speak on hell? If the Lord leads him to do that who am I to say what he should preach. I think a preacher who preaches with conviction believes what he says. I hope the sermon does something in the mans heart first before he delivers it to the body.

    Jesus spoke of hell I believe around 15 times in the gospels so I wouldn't be so quick to tell others what they should preach on. Jonathan Edwards is not the pattern...Christ and his word is. Praise God for a Jonathan Edwards. He must of had an effect on his day through the power of God.

    This whole topic is quite foolish and it seems there is more of an interest in hearing what we want to hear then finding out the truth. That is what the believer desires is to seek out THEE truth not our truths. Preaching mechanics are just as foolish as the idea of using all the worlds movies and music to create a feel or experience. All this seems very hypocritical. From my understanding the theme here is whatever it takes. If I have to listen to their music, watch their movies, and dress like them to win them then hey.. why not encourage people to yell so it can win some that loud preaching effects?

    I want to hear from God not a man. I want to hear what God births in the heart of a man that prays and walks with God. One devoted to prayer and the word like the apostles. We need to grow up in Christ.

    I'm not Mr. Anonymous from above but I could careless what their name is if what they are saying is truth. How about we humble ourselves instead being so proud and thinking having our name behind what we say makes us special. God is the one who is suppose to get credit anyways.


  13. Most preachers yell or talk loudly because it's the tradition they've come up in, or it's cultural. I live in Latin America and many preachers yell and the music is very loud and distorted. I can't stand it, and it gives me a headache, but if they have a good heart and are preaching the truth from the heart I really can't complain. All I can do is lovingly recommend that maybe they can tone down the volume. If they're open to hearing my opinion then that's great. But if not I only have two choices, bear it, or find a church where the pastor doesn't yell.


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