Confused Geese

You know there are two things that I really enjoy doing. For about 8 years now, I have been into drawing Celtic knot work. For some reason I have always enjoyed the Cetlic music and traditions. The other thing I enjoy which is one of my new year resolutions is photography. I shared with you awhile ago my new year resolutions and I am glad that I am meeting them. Photography and writing my new book seem to be my favorites from that list.

This morning when we got blitzed with a snow storm for an hour. I decided to take my camera outside once the snow really began to fly. I had to be quick because this is no pocket digital camera. This is an 18mp DSLR camera so I did not want to get it wet. As soon as I stepped outside though I heard the geese flying over head. I quick turned my camera on and began shooting. This by far is not the greatest photo I have done but none the less it is pretty cool. Amidst all of the snow flakes do you see the geese flying? I began to wonder just how confused these guys are with the winter we have been having. 

Did you know the Celtic symbol for the Holy Spirit is the goose? I find it intriguing because as I watched this gaggle of geese fly I was hit with that thought. In my mind they are confused guys but I am quite sure they knew exactly what they are doing. I probably shouldn't concern myself a whole lot that they are going to live or die. They are geese...they know what they are doing. 

In 1 Corinthians 14:33 it says "For God is not a God of confusion but of peace." I questioned these geese today and later found out online they were really quite smart. I know in my own life I have questioned the Celtic goose...the Holy Spirit and am always reminded that he won't let me down. Sometimes I have to remind myself of that over and over again.

Let me encourage you today as you wrap up another week and perhaps are finding some confusion in your life. Trust the Holy Spirit and LISTEN (this is ever so hard to do) to what he may be telling you. You may just find some peace in your life. Again...if God is the author of confusion than what is in the way of God leading to the confusion?


  1. This is perhaps the most beautiful and artistic thing you have ever written... LOVE IT! You're turning into a regular Max Lucado! hehe


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