Blog Hiatus: Please Stand By

Did you know that I have written and published two books? I’ve had a great experience with both of them. The first book entitled, “My Life in a Blog: Real Thoughts from a Real Pastor in the Real World” was just a book of random thoughts through the eyes of a pastor. My next book, “Mutiny Aboard The Good Old Gospel Ship,” talked about the dysfunctions I have seen inside the institutional church. Both books are available for purchase today on Amazon and have lead to some great speaking engagements at large Christian music festivals and churches. On occasion I even receive a random deposit from Amazon for book sales! With all that said, I have been inspired to write again and will be focusing my attention on this new book for the rest of the summer.

Unfortunately, that means I won’t be blogging for the next few months so I can be totally focused on this project. This book is coming from my deep and seemingly contradictory inner feelings of blessing and feeling like God has deserted me all-together. Sounds crazy doesn't it? Well, I’ve come to find out that I am in good company with many people found in Scripture. It is a book of transparent feelings and I hope it will prove to be a blessing to all who read it. No doubt it will be available in paperback and Kindle as well. 

It is humbling to know that this blog receives over 2,000 reads per month. That alone is great motivation for me to keep going once the book is done. People from all around the world read and comment on my ramblings. Believe it or not, but the most viewed blog is one I wrote recently regarding how much a pastor should charge to officiate a wedding. What is even more impressive is that most comments are not from pastors but rather from couples who are getting married and don't know what to pay the minister. 

My blog is undoubtedly a menagerie of thoughts that cover a wide range of topics. I look forward to getting back to it after this book project is done. Please stand by...


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