Getting Ready for 2021

 It was 2010 when I decided to challenge myself to write one blog a day. I found the challenge to be daunting and relaxing. Both liberating and completely maddening. What came out of that series of blogs though came a book, speaking engagements and more. 

With 2020 being a royal dumpster fire, I have decided to make 2021 the year I return to the challenge of blogging each day. Some days will contain deep thoughts and other days not so much. What you will get are my transparent thoughts as a pastor of both a local church in Waupaca, WI. and as a pastor for Sanctuary International. 

This journey will begin on January 1, 2021 so be sure to stay tuned. You might might cry. You may be edified or you may be deeply offended. Whatever the case may be remember, you came to this page. This page did not come to you. Welcome to the journey of what goes on in the mind of a pastor and what he sees. 

Since the launch of this page, I have had 186,212 visits. Let's see if that number goes up....because I hope it doesn't go down. 


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