My Dad: A Caregivers Journey Part 3 - Hospice

Placing a loved one, especially a parent, in hospice care is an incredibly challenging and emotionally turbulent experience. It signifies a difficult reality - that their body is wearing out and they require specialized care during their final stages of life. This has been the case since the hard decision was made last week to place my dad in hospice care. In this blog, I will explore the range of emotions that arise during this process and discuss strategies I have discovered for working through them to find healing and peace.

I can honestly say I have a new found love and appreciation for hospice chaplains. What a journey to work with each family going through the toughest part of life. 

Here are a few thoughts I have had as I work through this phase with my dad.

1. Acknowledge Your Emotions:

The first step towards healing is acknowledging the complex emotions that surface when placing your dad in hospice care. It's natural to feel sadness, grief, guilt, anger, or even relief. Allow yourself to experience these emotions without judgment or self-criticism.

2. Seek Support:

During this difficult time, it's crucial to lean on your support system. Reach out to family members, friends, or support groups who can provide comfort and understanding. Sharing your feelings with others who have gone through similar experiences can be immensely helpful.

3. Communicate Openly:

Maintaining open communication with your dad throughout his hospice journey is essential for both him and you. Expressing your love, gratitude, fears, or concerns can help foster deeper connections while providing him with reassurance and comfort.

4. Practice Self-Care:

Caring for yourself amidst the emotional turmoil is vital for maintaining strength throughout this process. Engage in activities that bring you joy - whether it's spending time outdoors, finding time to pray, journaling (or in my case blogging) your thoughts and feelings or seeking therapy if needed.

5.Acceptance & Letting Go:

Coming to terms with the reality of your dad's declining health can be incredibly challenging but accepting it allows you to focus on making his remaining time as comfortable as possible rather than dwelling on what cannot be changed.

6. Cherish Moments & Create Memories:

While it may be difficult, try to find moments of joy and connection with your dad during his time in hospice care. Engage in activities he enjoys, share stories, listen to his favorite music together or simply hold his hand. These moments will become cherished memories that bring comfort in the future.

8. Embrace the Support of Hospice Staff:

Remember that hospice professionals are there not only for your dad's physical needs but also to support you emotionally. I have broken down many times talking to the support staff. Lean on them for guidance, ask questions about the process, and utilize their expertise as you navigate this challenging journey.

Placing my dad in hospice care been an emotional rollercoaster filled with heartache and difficult decisions. However, by acknowledging your emotions, seeking support from loved ones and professionals alike, practicing self-care techniques, accepting the situation while cherishing moments with your dad - healing becomes possible.

Remember that everyone's journey through this process is unique; there is no right or wrong way to grieve or cope. Be patient with yourself as you work through these emotions and trust that time will bring healing and peace amidst the pain.


  1. Praying God's comfort and strength during this difficult journey for you and the family. 🙏

  2. I loved working as a hospice chaplain. I am praying for entire family at this very emotional and challenging time. Lmk if I can help in any way. Pr. Mary

  3. Thank you 🙏 for sharing 🙏 Pastor Bob 🙏 Yes

  4. Great words of advice! Glad you are still making memories.

  5. This is so good Bob! I see this almost everyday in the field I work in. Praying for all of you as you walk out this journey. I would love to share this with family members if that is ok with you? Sending lots of love and prayers from Oklahoma!!

    1. Thank you. That would be completely fine if you would like to share this.

  6. Praying for peace for you and your family. My family never had hospice but we probably should have. God bless you all


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