Lifest Series - Letting Go: Embracing God's Plan Beyond a Church Departure

I have decided to embark on a series of blogs based on questions and discussions that arose during my teaching session at Lifest 2024. All of these topics were brought up during the main session or at the meet and greet table.

In the journey of faith, there often comes a moment when we sense an inner tug, a quiet whisper, or a gentle nudge, signaling that it may be time to move on from our current church community. This realization can be met with a myriad of emotions, ranging from uncertainty and guilt to apprehension and doubt. Many of us find ourselves grappling with the need to justify our departure, searching for faults or shortcomings within the church as a reason to leave.

My friend, Pastor Bob Beeman has been quoted saying "People feel like they need to have a reason to leave the church. So they look for something that’s wrong to blame. But it’s usually just as simple as God moving you on." 

It's a common phenomenon in the realm of organized religion – the feeling that one must pinpoint a specific fault, a perceived inadequacy, or a grievance to validate the decision to part ways with a church. We scour the congregation for signs of discord, inconsistencies in doctrine, or flaws in leadership, believing that these elements serve as acceptable grounds for our exit. However, more often than not, the real reason behind our departure is not rooted in fault-finding but in the subtle yet profound movements of God in our lives.

The truth is, God's plan for our spiritual journey is intricate and ever-evolving. Just as seasons change, so too do our spiritual seasons – and sometimes, that change involves bidding farewell to a familiar church home. We must learn to discern the difference between leaving due to genuine issues that compromise our faith and leaving because God is orchestrating a new chapter in our lives.

When we allow ourselves to release the burden of finding a definitive reason for leaving, we open ourselves up to the possibility of embracing God's leading with open hearts. Perhaps He is nudging us towards a new place of worship where we can grow in ways we never thought possible. Maybe He is calling us to step out of our comfort zones and into a community that will challenge and inspire us. Or it could be that He is simply paving the way for a deeper, more intimate connection with Him that transcends the walls of any church building. It could be something as simple as you read something, took a class or attended a conference that has somehow changed your view of what a church should be.

As we navigate the sometimes tumultuous waters of church departure, let us remember that it is okay to trust in God's plan even when we cannot see the full picture. Release the need for justification and instead lean into the assurance that God is guiding us, shaping us, and leading us towards a future filled with His abundant grace and purpose.

Ultimately, leaving a church does not have to be a somber affair marked by blame or resentment. Instead, it can be a liberating act of faith, a step towards new possibilities, and an affirmation of our trust in the unerring guidance of our heavenly Father. So, let go of the need for reasons and embrace the simple truth that sometimes, God moves us on and sometimes our perceptions of what things should be move us on as well.


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