Day 182: Closure

I remember reading this quote a few weeks ago, “You can close your eyes to the things you do not want to see, but you cannot close your heart to the things you do not want to feel.” This quote got me thinking quite a bit as 2010 is almost over and yet it was surprisingly a refreshing year.

If you know me than you know that I am quite open about difficulties (two specifically) I have had in the past regarding ministry. Perhaps you have heard me tell my story about God calling me into ministry by going through a house explosion...two of the three of these things have brought great closure for me this year.

It is interesting that as I began writing my book I was thinking that I really could use some closure on a few things. The first thing I got closure on was clearing the air between me and the pastor I served under in Milwaukee. Will we ever hang out again? Probably not, would it have been nice to not have to take the first step? Yes. That is neither here nor there however...we have forgiven and moved on. It was rewarding to see how things transpired after that.

The other thing was in regards to the house I was in that blew up back in 1995. This event will forever be a part of who I am. It was a very pivotal time in my life that caused great hurt because of what I left behind. It was also a time of great reward for what transpired after it happened. A few weeks ago I saw pics of that old farmhouse being torn down...the house is gone but memories will always be there.

Some may make comments "why does a guy need closure?" The only reason a person would make comments like that is that they have not experienced that heavy in life before. Something can stick with you for so long that once you find find yourself free to move on with life.


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