Day 11: Dig Deeper

One of my favorite past-times is studying stories in the bible that Imay have a deeper meaning. One of the stories I have been working on is that of Jonah. Apparently there is allot more going on here than what they taught me in Sunday school.

The trouble one can run into when digging deeper into scripture is that you begin to learn things not normally taught by other teachers. This can get one of two responses out of people. The first response? A thank you for the fresh insight into scripture causing a person to grow deeper in the knowledge of who Christ is. The second response? Some may have hesitations resulting in them thinking you are way off theologically and therefore consider you a whacko. These kind of people usually are the ones that believe in a dogmatic gospel.

Once in awhile you may find yourself off base on a teaching. This is okay! When you begin to study things it may come out the wrong way. Simply admit it and offer apologies. When you study things, some things are just better left unspoken in a church setting and more suibtable for small groups. In the rare case you are wrong, own up to it and move on. At least you are digging deeper to find some hidden truths that will benefit you.

Beginning this Sunday I will be teaching on two major lessons I learned from the book of Jonah. These teachings have come after much time, prayer, research, and confirmation. It never ceases to amaze me what a great God we serve...I will go more into this beginning this Sunday at church.


  1. Ohhh, so I sense that either people agree with you, or we are radical legalists. . .

    The Word of God is deep and meaningful, but it is still limited to the intent of what God is meaning to say in it. We can try to spirtualize it or find some special meaning, but in doing so, we pass over the message that God is actually trying to convey.

    We must keep all things within the context that they are presented, and keep in mind our presuppositions and biases.

    Interpreting Scripture is not about trying to see what we can get out of it; it is about trying to see what God's message to His people is.

  2. Ben, your first paragraph could not be more incorrect. I admit I mess up, it is important to study though.

  3. "A thank you for the fresh insight into scripture causing a person to grow deeper in the knowledge of who Christ is. The second response? Some may have hesitations resulting in them thinking you are way off theologically and therefore consider you a whacko."

    This has happened to me more times than I can count. This mean I am either offering a lot of fresh insight or I really am a whacko.

    Wonder which?


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