Day 5: Planning Ahead

If there is one thing the worship director loves at the church I pastor, it is knowing where I am going with the messages. I am so thankful for a worship director that takes the time to care about what I am teaching on so that she can gear the songs for that service in that direction.

I used to be big into doing series and quite honest really enjoyed doing them. However, there came a point where I decided to do "one-off " messages. Here in lies the danger. When you decide to go week to week and not lock into a series you can really fall behind and blame lack of preparedness on "waiting on the holy spirit."

Tonight I just completed my message itinerary for the next seven weeks. I am quite jazzed about this line-up. This is not a series but rather just a cluster of messages that will challenge people and perhaps raise a few eyebrows given the title of some of them. A person asked, "does that leave room for the holy spirit when you plan out that far?" I always respond, "I am always wanting to speak on what the holy spirit has for me, I just like for him to show up early." I am not a Saturday night preparer and do not desire to ever be like that.

Bottom line: Preparedness makes for a happy worship leader and the church knows you have something to say.


  1. Yup,yup,yup...Where did we ever get the idea that Holy Spirit is too weak to interrupt our plans, messages, life, or otherwise? :)

  2. Loved it when we could coordinate the entire service...worship songs, message, reading or drama or whatever. Much more effective that way. Sometimes mainline churches do much better with this than we do.


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