Day 31: God...What are You Doing?

I am getting pretty excited about the summer! The thing that amazes me in life is seeing where God is taking you. This summer will be one of those times where I am following God into uncharted territory. In a few short days I was asked to do a short speaking for a Life Promotions event. Life Promotions is the organization that puts on “Lifefest.” They have a golf charity event to raise funds for their ministry and the founder will not be able to make it. I was in awe when they called me to fill this person’s spot. When a moment like this happens…I always sit back and ask, “God…what are you up to?”

In one month I am going on my biggest adventure in quite some time. I have taken my wife to Grand Cayman Islands twice for scuba/snorkeling vacations. We have been to New York four times…once to see the David Letterman show and once because a television network flew me there to be on a game show and once because I won tickets for Saturday Night Live (with Coldplay as the musical guest). I would say this next month will rate as high as the other trips. For a few years I attended Cornerstone music festival and for anyone that has been there…they will tell you it changes your life. It is hard to explain but their truly is something life changing about that experience. I remember going to see many Christian bands play, hear great teachings, see concerts that go until two in the morning, and lastly sitting in the Sanctuary tent to hear Pastor Bob Beeman speak. I grew up listening to Pastor Bob at the end of tapes, CD’s, videos of Christian rock music that I bought. In my teen years I remember calling the Sanctuary counseling line with teen struggles. This year I was invited to speak at the Sanctuary tent….to say I am humbled would be an understatement. From the day Pastor Bob asked me I have been in awe. Again…an experience where I am left asking “God….what are you doing?”

This is what I have discovered in ministry. Don’t attempt to blaze your own trail and get ahead of God. It is very important to let things grow organically grow and see where God is taking you. Things like this just come natural and you will be truly amazed where God takes you….I am amazed weekly what God allows me to do.


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