Day 158: Children's Worship

Let me tell you that it was amazing to hear what the kids have been saying about their worship time. They may be learning some of the new ones but at the same time they are learning A LOT of the old ones as well. Yes they are learning "Deep and Wide" and "Father Abraham." This is something I have been wanting for a long time and am so happy these kids are learning these songs.
It is funny when we look at these old childrens church songs as old or no longer relevant. When you have a child some of the first songs they learn are the golden oldies like, "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" or "She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain." Kids love these songs when sung at daycare or home and yet no one is saying bad things about these songs. Usually when bad things are said about these songs, it is because they hear it a thousand times in a day. I think the same should be held true in the church...there will always be those songs we have been raised on in church and want to pass onto our children.
Moral of the blog? Your volunteers at church will not always come in the way you expect.
Great points! My kids love it. Even though simple, goofy, repetitive, and cute might be boring or even annoying to adults and older children, (I'm thinking of Dora right now), it's fun for a lot of kids. I'm thankful for our special "church grandma" that takes time to do this with them.