Day 164: Legalism, Churches, and Halloween...ZIP IT!

This was the time of year when I would receive tracts on “The Dangers of Halloween” and more. It really made me wonder why churches and their leadership would spend so much time each year talking about how evil people are for carving pumpkins, handing out candy, or doing church Halloween outreaches. I just want to tell those that harp on these things and point out the faults of Christians who do have fun with it to simply….SHUTUP! I am guessing these are the same kind of people that think they are the only way and their church is the ONLY church and all other churches are shams.
It is so liberating to see churches like the one I am a part of to look at Halloween as not an evil thing but rather an outreach opportunity. This Sunday all of our kids will be coming dressed up to church…it will be fun. I can only hope that all the boys come dressed up as Oompa Loompas. So dressing up as a hobo, Elmo, Princess, Zombie, etc. is evil? No…evil is much worse. It is probably a safe assumption that true Satanists don't dress up as Bob the Builder on Halloween. I can own a pumpkin, set it on my porch but the minute I carve it…it is evil? Those people who think so need their heads examined.
I just don’t see it. Ever since that time with making copies on orange paper I have always thought those in the church I was at that had an issue with those copies had issues themselves. Attention Christians…have fun and use this time of year to reach people. Don’t listen to those who are living a legalistic lifestyle. They are miserable unhappy people who will never be able to be pleased and will ALWAYS find fault no matter what you do that might be a little on the edge. If they think churches doing outreach at Halloween is evil…what until they get a load of the Christmas series at Radiant Fellowship. We are reaching the unreached on this one! Video to be posted facebook Sunday afternoon!
Ahhh, again, refreshing! Liberating. I bet Radiant Fellowship is a lot of fun......just the way Jesus wants church & fellowship to be.