Day 134: Your Office

Tonight I was thinking that I would talk about quite a different topic. I remember taking a class a few months ago. If you were to ask me the name of it, I would tell you that I plain forgot. It was a class for those wanting to obtain or upgrade their ministerial credentials with the Assemblies of God. The class had to do with all things being a pastor. I recall one section of the book where it talked about the importance of having an office you enjoy. I want to talk about that for a minute.

I believe it is very important that any pastor or staff pastor should have a place where they can close the door and truly be able to study, etc. It should be a place that you feel comfortable in and where all of your resources are easily accessible. There is something about having an office where you can shut yourself off from the world for a bit that makes studying and other pastoral duties seem much easier. I remember reading that it must be organized as well. This point makes so much sense to me. Each Friday I usually give my office a good cleaning so that it is ready for the next week. Throughout the course of the week my desk gets so full of junk that it is hard to function...I am a firm believer (and this is my opinion) that your office or your home is a reflection of who you are. I try to keep a tidy and organized office because that is who I try to be.

I recall being a part of a church move. Our church bought this new building and bought new desks etc. thing...there was no new desk for me and my old one would not fit in the door. I remember talking to the pastor about it and told him, "Houston, we have a problem...I cannot fit my desk into my new office." Keep in mind my desk was a piece of junk I inherited from the past pastors. But, I made it work. So I asked "can the church spring for a new desk for me so I have a place to setup camp?" After all, I had an office which was nice but it would be really helpful to have a desk and since we went into wicked debt...what is another $200 for a desk? I was told, " have to go look around the building for an old table you can use." I thought he was joking....but he wasn't. I came home from the office so ticked that night that I went out and bought a new desk from Office Max and brought it in. It was truly a nice thing to is very important to have a place you can spread out and do your office duties.

Make it a point to have a place you can keep yourself organized....a place of study for yourself.


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