Day 77: Very cool

There are times in everyone's life that you remember very well. For me, a time was when I got saved when I was 9 years old. I was raised in an Assemblies of God church where they had a great program for boys called, "Royal Rangers." I guess the best way for me to describe what Royal Rangers is, is a faith based Boy Scouts program. Our group met every Wednesday night at our church. My dad was a commander along with a great guy, Emil Heins.
When you are a 9 year old in this program you were called a "Pioneer" and were officially allowed to go to what was called, "Pow-Wow." These days it is referred to as "Summer Camp." Either way it is a great weekend for the kids from 9 and up. Just 3 short years later I would attend the first National Camporama held at Eagle Rock, MO.
It was my first Pow-Wow and the speaker was Johnny Barnes who was the founder of the Royal Ranger program. After the service I gave my heart to the Lord at the altar call that night. I remember that so well because of the great speaker and God began to do a cool thing in my life. I stayed in Royal Rangers until I was 17 or 18 years old while doing the youth group thing as well. It is a great program!
This week a great thing happened to me, a truly humbling experience. The coordinator for the Royal Ranger program for our state asked me if I would be the speaker at the 50th anniversary Pow-Wow..."Summer Camp" in June 2012. This is truly an honor....this goes to prove that you never know what God is going to ask you to do...just remain available.
You went to your first Pow Wow and the great man himself was the speaker...ah...a peice of Ranger history. Congrats on being the speaker next year! Ken has been involved with Rangers for about 35 years (yow, what a thot) but never heard J.B.