Day 34 of 365: Some Messages Bomb


It’s no mystery that the best day for a pastor is probably Sunday morning. The day when he gets to deliver a message, fellowship with other believers and be with the church. A week of working on an outline finally comes to fruition. Then....well....sometimes it goes really well and other times not so much. 

For me I felt today was a not so much kind of day. I realize that we are our own toughest critics but I am feeling pretty confident that this Sunday’s message was a bit rough. To me it felt a bit scattered and pulled in different directions. The heart of the message was there but yeah....not a strong delivery. 

I think it is okay for us pastors to think this way about our own ministry or “work” if you will. People in all professions have their off days and today was that for me. I suppose there are many reasons that I felt that way today. Honestly, I can say when there is a lot of snow going on it throws me off. Reason being is that I am usually at church throwing salt and more before service. This year I am thankful for someone to offer assistance in clearing up the snow before service if I removed it the night before.

Extra tasks before service really throws me off as well. I recall a few years back when my son decided to pack the vent to the furnace with rocks. I was trying to figure it out right up to the time I had to speak...and was horrible. I am thankful that other duties come after church. These days on Sunday mornings more times than not it feels like a 2 or 3 person show. After church I don’t just leave, I have to shut all the lights off, put away all the coffee and wash everything, hang out until everyone is gone, etc. Since March of last year it’s been difficult. 

Moving forward though I have learned to do some tasks on Friday so that when I roll in on a Sunday morning most everything is setup and ready to go. There are still a lot of tasks to do afterward but the message is done by then. 

So there...a moment of transparency that pastors (self recognized) do have off days as well when it comes to delivering a message. Trust my head this whole thing played out VERY well ha ha. 


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