Day 49 of 365: Keeping Cards


I found these cards the other day in my stash of memories that my dad passed along to me after my mom passed away. After my mom passed away my dad began weeding out many things that he no longer wanted to hang on to. I did not begrudge him for doing this because he was planning on making a move to Waupaca. 

My mom held onto a lot of things one of them being greeting cards. One entire drawer of her dresser was filled with cards. A majority of them were ones she received from relatives, etc. The ones I found though were very special to me because they were from the days she was only 20 years old. 

I always wondered why my mom would hang onto cards and then it hit me after she passed away. In my office, I have two cards from her that she gave me the year she passed. One was for my birthday and the other was for father’s day. Each year now when it is my birthday or father’s day, I take a moment to read those cards. It is as if my mom just wrote those cards to me and it makes me so appreciative. 

To this day I save cards from my wife, kids and dad. This may sound morbid but to be honest, I realize we do not know what is going to come our way from day to day. A simple way to remember a person is by keeping cards. For those of us that lost someone close, we know how hard the holidays are along with birthdays. A simple card does not take up a whole lot of space but when the time is right, you will be glad you saved them. 


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