Day 45 of 365: If God is Prodding You...


Listening to the voice of God is a very important thing in the life of a Christian. For me, I can honestly say the way He speaks to me is through persistent prodding or having a peace about something. Yesterday was one of those times I listened to God in what I should do. 

Back in 1994 when I worked in a Christian bookstore, we stocked a new holy hip-hop compilation called, Microphone Theology. This featured new up and coming artists. The very first cut was one called, We Mobbin by a group called S.S. Mob (Soul Saving Ministers on Board). It was phenomenal and a breath of fresh air. From that day on I kept an eye out for any new albums from this group. The lead person was a guy named, Shon. His name in the group S.S. Mob was King Shon and to this day has a very distinct voice and persona. 

These days Shon works with huge names in hip-hop like Drake and others. His business called Gold Street Entertainment is very successful. I have messaged him here and there and we always had cordial conversation. Yesterday though I felt the prodding to send him this message…

“Hey Shon, 

I realize we have never met. We have chatted back and fourth though. Back in 1994 I remember stocking the compilation Microphone Theology. The first track on that album was, We Mobbin. After that album hit our store, I kept my eye open for other albums from S.S. Mob. Living in Milwaukee, I knew those albums were going to hit...and they did. 

I am now a pastor at Radiant Fellowship ( in Waupaca which is two hours north of Milwaukee. It's a smaller rural church working it's way through this pandemic. I have been here 17 years now. 

With all of that said, I know you hear from a lot of people each day. What I am not sure is that you hear the words, I am proud of you. Shon, what you have done in the industry is absolutely amazing. It is evident that God's blessing is on you and so from a 46 year old pastor that once sold many of your albums, I would like you to hear those words from me. I am proud of you man. You've come a long way. Keep on keeping on. 

God Bless,”

It wasn’t very long that I received this message back from him.

“WOW WOW WOW .. man of God & wow .. you have left me speechless and deeply moved because you’re right I don’t hear those words & only God could’ve told you that. I have maybe a few pastors over the years that are very proud of me and then some in the hundreds watch me ( online in my Instagram esp just watching ) still waiting for me to fail somehow not saying one single word.  I cherish this today Bob and I thank you .. God spoke through you today for me I’m so blessed I’ve been showing all of my staff ( I jus mentioned this a few days ago & many times here & there over the years, 

My roots come from a Hispanic ministry & im black so they see me as a person but not as a son ) .. so I give you triple thank you’s to tell you thank you again for blessing me today I’m glad I was able to be a blessing to you and still am .. 

I can’t describe to you the feeling I have but I thank you man of God .. thank you Pastor Bob thank you.”

What I am saying is that it does not matter who the person is and on what level they are. If God is prompting you to speak life into someone else then do it. I was so blessed by the fact that it was the right timing for this guy.


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