Day 42 of 365: Today Was a Tough Day

Today marked one of the toughest Sundays I have had in a long time. Quite a few factors played into it to be honest. The temperature being in the tank at -15 degrees along with snow removal made for a miserable pre church experience. I am grateful for a great snow blower but the fact one is snow blowing in -15 degree temps made things a bit frustrating. It’s not that it snowed a lot but we did receive some the day before and then the blowing took place. 

Once I came inside there was the minor task of not only being the speaker but also the coffee maker, sound man, virtual church tech and more. Can I just say how difficult it is to run the tech end of life while needing to deliver a sermon? Yeah it’s not my favorite and should this predicament happen again we simply won’t meet in person. It will be only virtual. 

The redeeming factor in it all though was the fact that my friend, Glenn Kaiser was willing to record a worship set for the church. All one has to do is Google that name and you will see all of this man’s accomplishments. What is refreshing about this scenario is that there are still a handful of artists willing to this type of thing. Many Christian artists these days (and this has been the case for a long time) don’t really do these kind of things unless there is talk of a healthy honorarium and more. There are still artists that do Christian music for ministry.

To be honest I am glad this day is over in that aspect. COVID has been difficult on churches and I am glad we have made it this far. 


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