Day 56: Cornerstone Update 2 of 9

It seems day 1 and 2 updates will merge into one blog, given the fact we got our campsite last night at 10:30 p.m. after a serious stocking up extravaganza at Wal-Mart about 33 miles from here. By the time we got settled in and unloaded with the tents up, it was 2 am. This morning it was great to wake up to a bright sunny morning realizing we pretty much have the mac daddy campsite. It is located up on a hill and under trees.

To say it is refreshing to be back at Cornerstone Festival would be an understatement. People have been asking me, “What is it about Cornerstone that made you want to go back so bad? What do you like best about it?” Everything about this place is FREEDOM! It is freedom to be who you want, dress how you like, and listen to who you like. Any denomination or fellowship walls are torn down here…we are all just the body of Christ (the church) here. Tonight I can go to a generator stage and listen to some new band scream out a set at a concert and then go catch Glen Kaiser performing a blues jam. In days to come I can go listen to Demon Hunter and afterwards catch a show with Iona, then learn about the things that make up a filmic urban legend based off the 1974 movie of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. I think I will sit the last one out, lol.

Bottom line? I think this is a place people should come to really enjoy a boost to your spiritual batteries. I guarantee that you will not leave the same (for the better).

Please pray that Tracy and I have a safe time down here and that my time of ministry at the Sanctuary tent goes well.


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