COVID Chronicles Quarantine Day 3 of 10


Well, I would like to say Tracy and I woke up all spry and ready to take on the day but….cue the Price is Right losing horn. That didn’t happen. Now I don’t know what it feels like to be run down by a truck but proverbially that is what we both said we feel like. Tracy continues to have a fever and both of us ongoing body aches, coughs, etc. 

During this time though, I am so thankful for some that have dropped meals off at the house. For lunch today we enjoyed a tater tot casserole (one of my love languages) and tonight another family is bringing by Chef Chu’s carry out. We enjoyed some very yummy homemade soup last night. 

Tracy and I are very appreciative of those that have reached out to help us in any way possible. We haven’t forgotten about you. It is reassuring to know that a person can shop at our local grocer online and have them bring it right out to the car. They will even open the back hatch and load them in. Has anyone else thought these folks ought to be able to accept tips? 

I have been thinking long and hard about church on Sunday. We are going to be virtual but one person asked if we are going to cancel altogether for this week. I am pretty confident that we will not. You might get me in my jammies but let’s be honest…many people that watch are probably in their jammies as well ha ha. 

I am thankful that neither Tracy, my dad or I have had to go to the hospital for this. What I am even more thankful for is the fact that we will have immunity from it for awhile once we are on the other side of it. For you video game geeks, you are probably thinking “YES! IMMUNITY!”. I see you and I recognize. 

That’s about it today in the ongoing perilous yet lackluster COVID Chronicles. Tune back in tomorrow to see what the day brings. If nothing else I hope for those of you that have NOT gotten it and are worried what it will be like might find hope in knowing that if you have had the flu….well….this is very similar. You will be okay (in many cases). 


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