Day 20 of 365: Inauguration Day

It was inauguration day here in the United States and what a day it was. You had everything from Lady Gaga singing to Bernie Sanders rocking some awesome mittens. Here at the end of the day however, Joe Biden is now in the white house. 

Let’s just be honest, there are sore winners and sore losers. There is not a whole lot of flattering things going on from both sides of the tracks. One phrase I am seeing over and over again from some Christians is that they are going to pray for those in authority. That's cool and it's what we ought to be doing.

Where do we get that statement from? It comes from 1 Timothy chapter two. That passage says “I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority.” Okay…we get that. I am confident many are actually praying for Joe Biden and his cabinet. Perhaps there are many simply posting that statement and not praying but that is between them and God. 

There is a second half to that scripture that a few Christians are leaving out. It continues to say “…. that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” That part stings a bit because it means the hateful posts on social network sights probably shouldn’t be posted (if you call yourself a Christian). It really is counter productive when a person says they are praying and then goes into name calling or doom and gloom talk. 

Let me give you the Old Testament counterpart to that scripture as to why we should be praying for our government whether you like them or not. In Jeremiah 29:7 it says “Also, seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” Now I realize that was specific to this group of people but the truth still stands for us today regarding the land prospering. You and I still live in the United States. Why wouldn’t I pray for those in leadership be it for a long time or a short while? If I pray for “all those in authority” then I am trusting that we will perhaps have “peace and prosperity”.

Bottom line is that we are here. God is in control and he knows what he is up to. There are powers that are way beyond us working behind the scenes. All we need to do is trust God. I would say this (and I say this anytime a president is elected) if your guy got in…own it. The policies, procedures, etc. own it. If your guy did not get in then wait and see what the future holds. Trust God though and he’ll take care of the rest. 


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